Paul Burrows

Paul Burrows

Paul Burrows

Biography and Works

Paul served in the Air Force and Air National Guard as a pilot, flying F-101, F-102, F-4, O-2 and A-37 aircraft, during which time he painted as a hobby. After retirement, he began devoting more time to aviation art and has been a member of the American Society of Aviation Artists since 1987.

He has created illustrations and covers for book publishers, and many of his original paintings are in private collections. Paul roams the skies in the Fly Baby he built. 


Artist's Work 1
Rhinos and Mustangs

Sometime in the '70s a pair of F4s egress the target range at low level. The Phantoms, sometimes called rhinos by their aircrews, are no longer part of the Nevada desert scene, but the mustangs, descendants of horses brought to the area by Spanish explorers in the 16th century, are still here.
Artist's Work 2

Daybreak, and this F-101 crew is about to conclude a practice intercept at the end of an all-night exercise. This one's easy because - as the saying goes - one eyeball on the target is worth a thousand sweeps of the radar.
Artist's Work 3
Lakeside Tranquility, Almost

An aging aviator practices his water-landing technique.
Artist's Work 4
Then and Now

It's 1920, and the sound of an OX-5 engine overhead signals the passage of a Curtiss JN-4 over the Carolina lowcountry enroute to - who knows where? - perhaps a field near a town whose population would like to see it from the air.

Or is it 2024, and this replica Jenny is heading home from a nearby airshow?
Artist's Work 5
Hell Stretch

The de Havilland DH-4M was a British WW1 design built under license in the US and modified to carry mail in the 1920s. These early mail planes were equipped only for day flying in good weather, but the pilots, having a keen desire to hack the mission no matter what, often pushed well beyond reasonable limits as shown by their loss rate. The airmail leg between New York and Cleveland, over the Allegheny Mountains, became known as "Hell Stretch."
Artist's Work 6

The F-101B Voodoo was a key player in Air Defense Command's interceptor force during the Cold War. Shown here, in markings of the
444th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, are a pair of F-101s during a night formation takeoff as remembered by the artist. At this moment the wingman is, indeed, focused.
Artist's Work 7
First Light, South China Sea, 1969

During the Vietnam War some areas in the south, after repeated bombing and defoliation, took on a barren, cratered appearance. But other areas were spared. Below my O2A are untouched hills east of Ham Tan, and to its right, unspoiled beach stretching south to Vung Tau. I'll soon turn back inland to begin the day's work, but first, a quick run down the beach for a sampan check.
Artist's Work 8
But They Never Came Back

One day in 1944 or '45 an exuberant flight lead couldn't resist making a run on my uncle's farmhouse. I was alone on the front porch and for a brief, magical moment I was treated to my own air show. I didn't yet know what a Corsair was, but I never forgot what one looked like closing head-on at treetop height.
Artist's Work 9
A Clearing Sky

A Wright-powered DC3 in TWA markings is shown crossing the midwestern countryside sometime during World War 2's later years. The slogan on the fuselage reflects the optimism of the day.
Artist's Work 10
As Good As It Gets

Flying for the fun of it, just to be in the air, unencumbered by operations, scheduling or training inputs, no itinerary or mission, and teamed with a machine of like mind. You can't beat it. This is a self-portrait with Windsong, my homebuilt Fly Baby. And by "homebuilt" I mean by my hands. It doesn't get better than this.

Thanks friend.

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